
groundbreaking functionality for MetaTrader & TradingView

Generic Entry/Exit on Filters Passing - Quick Load Code: f

Filters are normally used to add extra checks to an existing entry rule. However, if you just want to trade when filters are in agreement, i.e. passing, then this rule will allow that. It signals trade when filters are in agreement. It can also optionally exit the trade when filters in the opposite direction are in agreement - tick 'Filter Exit' to activate this.

Generic Entry/Exit Filter On Configured Indicators - Quick Load Code: f-i

This filter is automatically added by the system when you add indicators to an existing entry rule. For example, if downloaded ci-t entry rule, to open trade at specific time, and then added an indicator then this filter would be automatically added to check indicator(s) agreed with entry rule.

If indicators configured with Priority of 'Normal' then filter fltIndi will delay any entry rule until indicators are in agreement, provided entry rule is still signalling. If indicator Priority is set to 'HighAndStart - act as filter' then entry rule will be voided if indicators do not agree at the time of entry signal. This is done by filter fltRwfx.

The configuration also includes optional 'Exit on Indicators' tick box and corresponding rwfxExit rule to exit when configured indicators signal in the opposite direction. This is off (unticked) by default.

Advanced Dashboard for Currency Strength and Speed (fltAdcs) - Quick Load Code: f-adcs

Will permit trade if currency trend strength (left column) of Advanced Dashboard for Currency Strength and Speed custom indicator is in agreement. Adds two text boxes to panel 'Min Diff:' which is minimum difference between base and counter currency and 'Min Curr:' which is minimum required of each currency. Appropriate inversions are made depending if buy or sell and if base or counter currency. Set text box to blank to turn check off.

Note, only need to have Advanced Dashboard running on one chart with EA as it will save the currency values to global variables which can be accessed via other instances of rule on other charts.

Avoid Choppy/Sideways Market with Chopiness Indicator Choppiness Index Indicator (fltChopI) - Quick Load Code: f-cpi

Will allow trade if index just dipped below 61.8 level or gone below 38.2.

Avoid Overbought Buy or Oversold Sell on Quantum Swing Index QSI (fltAOSOBqsi) - Quick Load Code: f-osbq

Will block buy trade if QSI is above 70 and block sell if QSI is less than 30.

Avoid Overbought Buy or Oversold Sell on Stochastic (fltAOSOBs) - Quick Load Code: f-osbs

Will block buy trade if Stochastic is above 80 and block sell if Stochastic is less than 20.

Here is a second instance that uses Kperiod = 20, Dperiod = 10 and slowing = 20. Quick Load Code: f-osbs2

Avoid Trade Just After Candle Openend (fltBarDelay) - Quick Load Code: f-nbd

Will block trade for first few seconds after candle opened, with a view to seeing if indicators still in agreement after this and opening if they are. Set 'Bar Delay:' box to number of seconds should wait after candle opened before allowing trade if indicators are still in agreement. Can set to blank to turn filter off. Useful for avoiding market setiment change that happens when candle opens. IMPORTANT: Make sure you don't have 'Only Open Trade on New Candle' ticked in CONFIG | Options.

Big Candle - Block Trade After (fltBigCndl) - Quick Load Code: f-bcb

Will block trade signal that occurs after a big candle. This is useful to avoid trades that were triggered by a big candle, as would result in a poor entry price if were to take the trade, i.e. where market had already moved a lot. Will block trade if closed candle body is greater than Average True Range (ATR) of recent candles multiplied a supplied factor. Set 'ATR Period' to number of candles for ATR calculation and set 'ATR Factor' to max allowable factor, e.g. if set to 1.5 then will block trade if closed candle is greater than 50% of average recent candle size.

Bounce from SuppyDemand Indicator Levels (fltSupDem) - Quick Load Code: f-sd

Will only permit trade to be signaled if the open price of previous candle was in/on a supply demand level, as drawn by the SupplyDemand indicator. Or the close price of the two most recent closed candles. For a sell trade it must have been a maroon colored block that and blue for buy trade. This will check that trades have come from a support/resistance zone, i.e. bounced, as draw by the indicator.

There is also has a optional 'Wick Offset' box which if set (not blank) then look at candle wicks, as well, and will allow the trade if wick + offset is within support/resistance. The 'Wick Offset' is number of pips to subtract from low price for buy trades and add to high price for sell trades. Can set to 0.

Here is an alernative version that will block long trade if previous 2 candles in maroon zone and block short trades if previous 2 is dark blue zone. Quick load code: f-sd2

This third version is the same as f-sd2 but also offers 'SupDem Hold' that will remember filter has been activated and keep filter active for the supplied additional bars. Can set 'SupDem Hold' to blank to turn off hold feature. Quick load code: f-sd3

This forth version is the same as f-sd but also offers 'SupDem Hold' that will remember filter has been activated and keep filter active for the supplied additional bars. Can set 'SupDem Hold' to blank to turn off hold feature. Quick load code: f-sd4

Buy/Sell Allowed Direction Set on Panel - Quick Load Code: f-bsa

Adds Direction selection list where can select allowed trade direction for auto market order trades. Note, you can set the default via CONFIG | Rule GUI Controls and select listBox.direction and change Default Value as required and Save. Note, if set to NONE then no trade will be allowed. Works on automatic market orders.

This second version will also ignore any pending orders that are not in the selected direction, when market price reaches the pending order. If pending order is ignored then it will be deleted.

Buy/Sell Zone - Quick Load Code: f-bsz

Will place two green lines on chart that will be buy zone and two red for sell zone. Manually move lines to desired levels. Will check that price is in corresponding zone before allowing trade. Also provides tick box so check can easily be turned on/off.

The following second version will use global variables to save the location of lines, so they preserved if you change chart period, restart MetaTrader, etc. There is also a reset button to put the lines back to default. Quick load code: f-bsz2

This third version provides text boxes so can set lines from values entered in the boxes and pressing an Update Zones button. This is useful if wishing to set the lines from our mobile app. Quick load code: f-bsz3

The following forth version is similar to f-bsz2 and f-bsz3 but if any part of current candle is in required sell/buy zone then will permit trade. Quick load code: f-bsz4

Heiken-Ashi - Quick Load Code: f-ha

Will check Heiken-Ashi is in agreement, i.e. correct color for direction of trade. Also, has 'Max Wick' text box which if set (not blank) will check lower wick on buy and upper wick on sell is not greater than this value.

Line Outside Upper/Lower Lines - Quick Load Code: f-loul

Filters out trades when line from indicator is outside and upper and lower line, also from indicator. In this example, the popular Traders Dynamic Index indicator has been used, where checks if green line is outside upper/lower blue lines. You can substitute your own indicator. Need 'lineUp' indicator reference ID to supply color index of upper line, 'lineLow' for lower line and 'lineSig' is the signal line to be checked against.

This filter is useful for voiding trade signals that happen when the market has already moved a lot and maybe running out of steam.

Margin Min Free % Check - Quick Load Code: f-mmfc

Will check margin free % before allowing trade to open. Set 'MinMargin%' to min margin that must be free on the account, as a percentage. For example, if set to 300 then would only open trade if 3 trades of current lot size could be opened on the account. Can set 'MinMargin%' to blank to turn filter off.
Important: Requires V7.55 of our EA or later.

Max Daily Losing Tickets on Account - Quick Load Code: f-mdlt

Will block new trades if maximum daily losing closed tickets has exceed a supplied value. Weekly and monthly is also supported. Set 'Max Losers' to maximum losing tickets allowed or set to blank to turn filter off. Set 'Loser Period' to what is regarded as current day/period for which closed tickets are to be included in the check (based on close time). If D1 then based on tickets closed within currently daily candle. Can offset by numbers of hours, shown with +/-, or can set tickets within weekly candle or monthly candle.

This second version will check open time as well when check trade losses for day (or selected period). Quick load code: f-mdlt2

Max Daily Trades and/or Profit % for Symbol - Quick Load Code: f-mdtp

Allows max daily trades and/or profit percent to be specified, which when reached will prevent further trades on the chart symbol. Set 'Max Trades' for max trades allowed or blank to not filter on this. Set 'Max Profit %' for max profit as a percentage on account balance (don't include % sign though), or set to blank to not filter on this. Finally, you can set 'Max Start' to a time of day for check to apply from. Set this as server time, e.g. 8:00. As with other rules, you can set default values for these boxes in CONFIG | Rule GUI Controls.

Tip: Can set EA input Func_tradesProfitUseCloseTime to true if wish to use close time, rather than open time, when determining trades that fall within the day.

This second version will check per direction (buy/sell), e.g. if max trades 1 then will permit 1 buy and 1 sell. Quick load code: f-mdtp2

Max Lots Allowed - Quick Load Code: f-mxl

Will not allow a trade if calculated lot size is greater than 'Max Lots' text box value. Can set to blank to turn check off.

Max Tickets Allowed on Account Per Direction - Quick Load Code: f-matd

Whilst max tickets on account can be set in CONFIG | Risk / Lots. This filter allows you to set this per direction to control number of buy and sell tickets. This should be set in maxSellTickts and maxBuyTickts boxes, for sell and buy max tickets on account, respectively. Set to blank not to check.

Minimum Bars Gap Between Trades - Quick Load Code: f-mtg

Will not allow a trade if too close to previous trade on the chart symbol, based on trade open time. Set the minimum gap with the Trade Gap text box, which is in the form of number of bars/candles of current chart. Value of 0 would mean one trade can happen on each bar. 1 would mean 1 bar (candle) gap between each trade open. Can set to blank to turn off.

This second version will check per direction, i.e. will check gap with last trade of same direction (buy/sell). Quick load code: f-mtg2

This third version is like f-mtg but looks at gap since last trade close time (CT): f-mtg3

Minimum Pips Since Last Trade - Quick Load Code: f-mplt

Will check that there is a least a minimum gap in pips since open price of previous trade/ticket for the chart's symbol. Set 'Min Pips' to required minimum pips required. Can set to blank to turn check off. The 'Min Scope' box controls what should be considered when looking at previous trade. MTO means magic numbers configured in the EA and TRADE is current trade index (magic number) being evaluated and ALL is all trades on the account for the symbol. Note, can include open trades, i.e. whatever is most recent.

Moving Average Angle (expressed in pips) - Quick Load Code: f-maa

Will examine angle of moving average between a candle earlier (default is 5 candles earlier - Shift=5) and most recent closed candle. Provides 'MA Angle' box where min angle for trade can but supplied. NOTE: Angle is expressed in pips difference between the two prices (not degrees) for technical reasons.

Moving Average Max Angle (expressed in pips) - Quick Load Code: f-maxa

Will examine angle of moving average between a candle earlier (default is 5 candles earlier - Shift=5) and most recent closed candle. Provides 'MAmax Angl' box where max angle for trade can be supplied. NOTE: Angle is expressed in pips difference between the two prices (not degrees) for technical reasons.

Moving Average Direction - Quick Load Code: f-mad

NOTE: This filter is and out-of-date way of doing this and is only here for legacy reasons. Instead of this filter just add F:MovingAverage to your indicator mix and set the Capture Mode to IncDec, i.e. increasing/decreasing slope check.

Will check that moving average is in correction direction, i.e. moving up for buy, and prevent trade if not. To change period of moving average edit indicator properties for fltMADir and fltMADir2. Note, fltMADir is closed candle value of MA and fltMADir2 is value of candle before that - used to work out slope.

Moving Average Cross - Quick Load Code: f-max

Will check fast moving average has cross slow moving average.

Moving Average Cross Min Pip Distance - Quick Load Code: f-maxd

Alternative to f-max that will check distance between moving averages is no less that a 'Min MA Diff' text box value (in pips). Note, designed to be used instead of f-max and will replace it if that filter is already loaded. Can set Min MA Diff box to blank to turn filter off.

Moving Average Max Price Distance - Quick Load Code: f-mapd

Checks current market price is not too far away from moving average. Set 'MA Max' box to maximum pips allowed between current price and moving average, as configured with referenced ID fltMAMaxVal. Can set 'MA Max' to blank to turn filter off.

Moving Average High/Low Below/Above It's Value - Quick Load Code: f-mahl

Will check that low of closed candle is above moving average (fltMAHL) for buy and high of candle below for sell. Also has optional exit where will exit buy if high of closed candle is below MA or low above for exiting sell. This can be turned on by ticked 'MA HighLo Exit' tick box.

A second version will check for extra pips for entry or exit beyond what is normally triggered on. Use 'MAHL Etry p' to give extra entry pips and 'MAHL Exit p' for extra exit pips. To turn exit off set 'MAHL Exit p' to blank. Quick load code: f-mahl2

MACD Direction - Quick Load Code: f-mdd

Will check that MACD is in correction direction, e.g. moving up for buy, and prevent trade if not

PipFite Impulse Pro Load Code: f-pip

RunwiseFX Order Symbols on Indicator Check - Quick Load Code: f-osi

The RunwiseFX Order Symbols Indicator is used to check the symbol is performing well compared to other symbols, i.e. is (say) top three of the ordered list. Will void trade signal if not. The maximum order number is selectable via selection list. Can be switched to OFF is want to turn off filter. Note, the Order Symbols indicator must be running on at least one chart and containing the symbol to be traded and be on the same time frame. VERY IMPORTANT: The indicator input Main_storeOrderInGlobalVariables for the Order Symbols indicator must be to set true.

A second version allows multiple time frames to be checked and permitting different Max Order for each. Will only void trade signal if the symbol is not performing sufficiently well for the selected time frames. Set the 'Mx Ord' box to blank if want to turn off check for that time frame.
IMPORTANT: Again Order Symbols must be running on a chart for the symbols and time frames to be examined. The Main_storeOrderInGlobalVariables input to Order Symbols must be set to true.
TIP: Don't forget, you can use the Hidden tick box in CONFIG | Rule GUI Controls to hide any boxes from the main panel. The references IDs for the time frames boxes are numbered 0 upwards, e.g. maxOrder0 is for M1.
Quick Load Code: f-osi2

RSI Above/Below 50 - Quick Load Code: f-rsi

Filter Out Flat/Choppy Markets with ADX - Quick Load Code: f-adx

Useful for trend following strategies where trades will be prevented in flat/choppy markets, i.e. when not trending. This can help prevent repeated entry/exits of unprofitable trades, called whipshaw'ing. Will filter out if ADX (MetaTrader built-in indicator) is < 'Filter ADX...' value. Set to blank to turn filter off.

Filter Out Flat/Choppy Markets with runwiseFX Market Trending - Quick Load Code: f-mt

Useful for trend following strategies where trades will be prevented in flat/choppy markets, i.e. when not trending. This can help prevent repeated entry/exits of unprofitable trades, called whipshaw'ing.

Friday No Trade - Quick Load Code: f-nfri

Will block auto trades being opened on Friday

FX Volume % Change on Total/Base/Counter - Quick Load Code: f-fxv

Looks at % change volume over last candle, e.g. last hour if H1 chart, for the FX Volume indicator available in Market. Allows minimum values to be specified for total, base and counter change in %. Can set to blank to turn off. The filter can be used to check that volume is increasing, both totally and in terms for base and counter currencies. Note, also outputs the calculated values on the panel, shown as t for total, b for base and c for counter. Tip: Can increase number of bars to check for by increasing Shift Box setting on indicators with reference ID fxv*S1.

News Avoid - Don't Take Trade If Close To News - Quick Load Code: f-na

Adds 'News Avoid' selection list which if set to 'before' will prevent the EA from opening a trade before a high impact news event. The threshold for this can be set via EA input News_secsPriorToNewsForNoAction (in secs), which by default is set for 1 hour. Optionally, can also avoid trade just after news, with threshold set by input News_secsAfterNewsForAction, default also 1 hour. Set to BA (before and after) to do this latter check as well.

News Trade - Trade Just After News - Quick Load Code: f-nt

Adds 'Max News' which will block trading if time since news is great than this value. Use this filter to limit your trades to just after news event. Can set 'Max News'.

No Trade If Near Pivot Line (Daily and/or Weekly) - Quick Load Code: f-npv

No trade if close to daily pivot and/or weekly pivot. How close is given by 'Daily Pivot' and 'Weekly Pivot' boxes, in pips. Set blank to turn filter off. Useful to avoid trades when open price is close to pivot line, where the market can often reverse.

No Trade If Near Support/Resistance - Quick Load Code: f-nsr1

No trade if close to RunwiseFX support 1 (if sell) and resistance 1 (if buy). How close is given by 'No SR1 Pips'. If blank then will turn filter off.

No Trade If Text Object has Certain Value - Quick Load Code: f-nov

Set 'noTrdObjName' to the name of the label text object to be examined. Set 'noTrdObjVal' for the value the object needs to have for no trade.

PipFinite Trend Pro In Agreement - Quick Load Code: f-ptp

PipFinite Trend Pro (Upper Timeframe) In Agreement - Quick Load Code: f-utlp

By default will check chart timeframe + 3 is in agreement, e.g. if chart M15 then will check H4 in agreement. To change this timeframe click CONFIG | Indicator Values to Capture and select fltUTLPbuy and fltUTLPsell and change period to desired timeframe, e.g. D1, click Save.

Price Action (correct closed candle 'color'): f-pa

Will only enter trade if previous closed candle was bullish for buy and bearish for sell. Will also check that current price is at or beyond the close price of the closed candle. Can use text box 'PA pips' to set minimum pips beyond close price needs to be.

Price Action (closed at better price than previous): f-pabc

Will only enter trade candle closed at better price than previous candle, e.g. for buy then candle just closed (shift 1) needs to have closed at price higher then the close before it (shift 2).

Price below/above max/min - Quick Load Code: f-mmbs

Adds two tick boxes which if ticked will only trade if price below sell price or above buy price, respectively. Ticking the boxes will be display lines on the chart which can be moved to required price. Untick to turn check off.

RSI Not Oversold/Overbought Check - Quick Load Code: f-rsisb

Will check RSI not over 'RSI Over' value for buy trades or under 'RSI Under' for sell trades, i.e. checking not oversold or overbought for buy and sell, respectively. Can set text boxes to blank to turn check off.

RunwiseFX Trend of Selected Time Frames In Agreement - Quick Load Code: f-rwtr

Shows tick boxes for various timeframes which if ticked won't trade if timeframe not in agreement. Can select more than one timeframe.

Trade/Signal On/Off with Start/End Times - Quick Load Code: f-oo

Adds 4 start/end times, which can use used to start trading by ticking 'Okay to Trade/Signal' box for you and also end trading, i.e. unticking okay box, and close trades when end time reached. Note, 'Okay to Trade/Signal' can be changed manually as well. If time is blank then will be ignored. Note, time is in server time in hh:mm format.

A second version works work more like the start/end times in CONFIG | General Settings where will only allow trades that fall in the specified start/end times. Note, there is no auto exit when end time is reached - only relevant to trade entry. Use this filter if need more than the two start/ends of General Settings. Quite load code: f-oo2

Trading Hours for Three Time Slots - Quick Load Code: f-th

Whilst the EA natively allows trading hours to be set in CONFIG | General Settings, this filter can be used to set 3. Note, if need less than three then use General Settings. Set Start and End with time in hh:mm, which are in server/chart time.
TIP: If you don't need exactly 3, e.g. want to vary or want 4 then use rule f-oo2

Trading Hours Per Day of Week - Quick Load Code: f-dth

Allows trading hours to be specified per day of the week in a from-to format. For example, specify 8:00-17:00 to trade from 8am to 5pm on a given day. All times are server/chart time, rather than local time. Note, can miss out :00, i.e. just put 8-17. Can also miss out either from time or to time, e.g. if put 8- then will trade from 8am onwards on that day and putting -17 will trade up until 5pm. Can also have multiple time ranges separated by ;, e.g. 8-12;14-19. Leave the day blank to allow trading all day. Alternatively, set to ! to not trade the whole day.

Tip: You can hide showing the days at the bottom of the panel by going to CONFIG | Rule GUI Controls and selecting each day and unticking the 'Visible' box. Note, days are numered 0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday up to 6 for Saturday. e.g. select Reference ID textBox.dayHrs0 to change Sunday. You can of course set the default value in there as well.

This second version allows any common Mon-Fri trade times to be specified, via 'Mon-Fri' box. You can then use each day box for any additional trade times that are specific to that day. Note, also blocks trading on Saturday and Sunday, i.e. Mon-Fri only. Can still set box to ! to block specific day. If Mon-Fri box set to ! then will block whole week. Quick load code: f-dth2

Trade Once Per Day - Quick Load Code: f-opd

Will allow just one trade per day per chart. Adds 'Allow Once Today' tick box, where will only allow trades if ticked. After trade open is detected this will get unticked. The 'Once Reset' time will cause 'Allow Once Today' to be automatically ticked again when that time is reached. The time is in server/chart time.

This second version will allow once per day per direction (buy/sell). Quick load code: f-opd2

Z-Winner Trend Strength > 80% (indicator must be present on chart) - Quick Load Code: f-zwts

The indicator must have been added to the chart, as the filter looks for the objects that the indicator places on the chart. Filter shows tick box on panel to turn filter on/off interactively.